If you have a story that you want included in the book please email it to: welcomeout1@gmail.com

Please when you send in your story let me know if you want your name used. I appreciate everyone's help with this project and will list all of those who helped make this book possible.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

back in action

I had to take a bit of a hiatus from doing this project for personal reasons. I am now able ot devote more time to this project. I am still in need of stories. Feel free to post a link to this on your facebook, Myspace, twitter, or if you have a site and would like ot post a link. If you contact me and tell me that you would like ot post a link to this I would be happy to poast a link to your site on here as well.

The only way to show people that we are human and nothing to be scared of is by showing ourselves. If we stay silent change will not happen. If we dont share our stories others will not understand our lives.