If you have a story that you want included in the book please email it to: welcomeout1@gmail.com

Please when you send in your story let me know if you want your name used. I appreciate everyone's help with this project and will list all of those who helped make this book possible.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

It may seem hard right now

To those people who are struggling with being in the closet it will get better. It can be very draining to live in the closet. At first you think that your sexuality is nothing to tell others about, you may think it is just sex. It is not just sex. When you are in the closet you are not only hiding that you want to have sex with someone of the same sex, you are also hiding your heart. When I was in the closet I thought it was no one's business who I was with. Later I realized it is not just about sex. I was hiding the people I was dating and it was very hard to find places to go where I would not be seen.

Everyone in this world deserves to take someone out and enjoy their company without fear. When you are not out you are constantly looking over your shoulder and sometimes so focused on your fear of being found out that you can't really connect with the other person. When you are out on a date you want your focus to be the person you are with and not the people around you.

It is very possible to be in love when you are in the closet, but it can wear on you. When you are in love you want to talk to your friends and family about it. You want to spread your happiness. You want to hug and kiss your loved one and feel good about it. When you are in the closet you feel very happy while with the person you are dating. Then the date ends and you close your door and have to pretend all of that happiness didn't happen. The truth is the happiness did happen and it is a good thing.It is something to celebrate and enjoy.

Good luck in your journey. I pray that you can find true happiness and be happy for yourself. You are very lucky to find love.