If you have a story that you want included in the book please email it to: welcomeout1@gmail.com

Please when you send in your story let me know if you want your name used. I appreciate everyone's help with this project and will list all of those who helped make this book possible.

Monday, October 4, 2010

thanks Jen Foster for this wonderful song

Recently there have been way to many gay young people taking their lives after being bullied for being themselves. Everyone deserves the chance to live their lives with out fear. Everyone deserves the chance to be happy.

A few months ago I was told about this song. Jen Foster is a wonderful song writer and has been a great supporter of Welcome Out. After hearing about these suicides that did not have to happen she decided to release this song. It costs nothing to listen and to share it, the message is priceless. I urge everyone to listen and share it. You can download it for free and share it with everyone you know.

Download "This is Me" here and feel free to listen to other wonderful Jen Foster songs:

Take care,